Probability & Statistics
Udelar - Uruguay
The Probability and Statistics group currently brings together students and professors from the Centro de Matemática of the School of Sciences, the Instituto de Matemática y Estadística «Rafael Laguardia» of the School of Engineering, and the Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos of the School of Economic Sciences and Administration, the Departamento de Matemática y Estadística del Litoral of the University Center of the North Littoral, and the Departamento de Modelización Estadística de Datos e Inteligencia Artificial of the University Center of the Eastern Region. It can be considered the continuation of the research task started by Cesáreo Villegas on Bayesian statistics at the time of Laguardia and Massera, and then continued by Enrique Cabaña. It re-started its post-dictatorship activities with the Probability and Statistics Seminar directed by Gonzalo Pérez Iribarren, re-integrating Mario Wschebor and Ricardo Fraiman that period. For more information about the group, see here.
Information from activities of the Probability and Statistics group
Weekly Seminar (every friday 10.30 am; virtual and usually in Spanish).
Reading seminar for students (first semester 2023! Data Science with R).
Advanced seminar for students about Brownian Motion.
Optatives and advances courses on Probability and Statistics
Notices about conferences, events, seminars.
Next weekly seminar
Date: Friday 10/06, 10.30 am.
Expositor: Mauricio Velasco (Universidad Católica del Uruguay).
Title: Algebraic methods in stochastic diffusions..
Language: Spanish.